Lessons On Self-Love - ch1 why earth


Redmond (Sirian) about ‘why would you come to Earth’

Image from http://in5d.com/97-spiritual-enlightenment-stories/

Redmond is a Sirian, an alien from the Sirius star constellation, and is channelled by Ivan Teller.  The below information came somewhat from Ivan’s video, see the video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODNW0lmpCBw .  Note I have greatly changed and added to the content of this video, however the information in the video was the bases for the transcript below, so you can say Ivan's video was the catalyst for the below information.  Note that Ivan is walking through “Disney World theme park” during this video.  If you wish to compare or see the actual information from the original video, then go ahead and please do, as the link is already provided above.  This is the Redmond speaking, through Ivan: -

Redmond (Sirian): -

  • "Why are people re-incarnating here on this planet earth, on Gaia.  Here where you are cut off from God, cut off from Spirituality, cut off from your past life times, cut off from your alien family, cut off from Love.  So why come here: -

    - This planet is unique within the universe for how cut off it is, and therefore has opportunities that are harder to re-create on other planets.  Planet Earth has unique opportunity for some hard lessons.

    - One hard lesson is to learn self-love, as here you are cut off from God, cut off from information, cut off from your past family, cut off from your psychic powers, cut off from love.  So you are on your own, alone, and you have to get to know yourself.

    - This is a seed planet.  For many Galactic star seeds (souls from alien worlds), as you don’t know your past lives, you can come here, it is an easy transition into a new life.  So you can start a new and different type of life, you have the opportunity to try new things."

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