Lessons On Self-Love - ch1 belief systems

Chapter 1 – Open your Belief Systems

Image from https://www.facebook.com/worldorigins/ 
So in reading this document, it may challenge your belief systems.  The best belief system is to,“do not have any belief systems”, to believe everything is possible.  To have an open mind.  Then you can’t be boxed in, you can’t be held back by any belief systems.

All the information in this document has been sourced via psychics, and people channelling higher density beings.  So, understand it is not my material, but what I have collected from many sources, hopefully by the spiritual beings.  But a lot of this information may seem unbelievable.  Please only take away whatever resonates with you, as in only the information that you like, that seems plausible to you, that simulates you.  I also do some automatic writing, my own channelling, in the form of concepts, and how I put seemingly put unrelated material together, but again you could put that down to my ego.  Also if I say something that I am not sure about, I will let you know, here within this text.

A message from Archangel Amelia (channelled by Adey Mariah 4/9/2016, and interviewed by Emi Rubio, on the on-line radio podcast “Off the Deep End, with Emi”, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rf8ROzeznaA)

Archangel Amelia: -
  • "Keep an open mind and open your heart to this new information that is coming in at this time, as it is really easily for us to doubt, to say that this was not in the book, so I don’t believe it."  

    "But by doing this, you are cutting yourself off from information that will allow to you grow.  So by opening yourself up to ‘allowing’, and by allowing this information, you will be opening up to finding out more about yourself."  

    "You don’t have to identify yourself with your beliefs.  So with this information coming out, which may challenge your childhood beliefs, these beliefs that have been drilled into you, and so may make you feel like your whole world is turning upside down, and so confront these beliefs, you are holding onto so dearly, and therefore make go defensive and or depressed." 

    "So don’t fall into this brutal dilemma of all your old belief systems being questioned.  Don’t take on these new beliefs and loose apart of yourself.  It does not have to be that way.  All you need to do is go into a state of ‘allowing’ and just be open to this new information and new ideas, as you don’t need to go all the way and take on these new beliefs and through away yours.  ‘Allowing is the key’, if you allow with your heart you can find out why you’re here, what is life really about, and to find out more about yourself."

Note that Archangel Amelia is Emi's higher self, and Archangel Amelia is the female equivalent to Zadkiel.  Archangel Zadkiel, and Archangel Amelia, have a dual focus upon forgiveness and memory can help you heal emotional pain from your past.  To expand on this: -
  • The “angel of memory,” who can support students and those who need to remember facts and figures.
  • The archangel who inspires forgiveness and compassion in people and healing painful memories.
  • The archangel can work with you on releasing old anger or feelings of victim hood so that you can remember and live your Divine life purpose; remembering your Divine spiritual origin and missions.

Archangel Amelia and Archangel Michael, have a special connection, as they are energetically imprinted on each other, and they have special missions where they go and heal worlds together.

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