Demon Attack, with a Depression and Bleak Feeling
So now, from the above message from Father Gaia (on the previous pages), I have been going over, and over this message, re-reading it for days. Struggling to connect with completing my lesson, and then end my bad diet.
Look, now I know for weeks, ever since my fast ended, I have been pushed hard by different negative energies. Currently, I have a new one, and this one is the strongest one, a demon that does not talk to me, it has been around over the past few weeks…
You say why, how can you Know? What has been going on, for you to say this? Well, see just the following points: -
- This negative being / negative energy / negative force was pushing ego onto me because I was told: “God, wants to bring messages through me”. So this negative presence was trying to tell me things like “you are better than other people”, “you are the only one to bring gods messages”, “you are better than your psychic friends”, “you are indeed reaching your own true power now”. But this information doesn’t resonate with me. This ego was making me feel overly serious, dull, and overly self-important. Which is not the vibration of the Prime Creator.
- Note, about the vibration of the Prime Creator has felt to me, more like it was filled with concern over me, like a mother over her children, where the children feel loved. Also, Prime Creator doesn’t want me to bow down to him because he wants me to stand tall, filled with my own inner strength, power and pride. I also feel the vibration of the prime creator is filled with love, joyful, and even funny at times. Prime creator often only hides this funny side, as he knows we are often having a hard and difficult time in this reality.
- Note about ego, is that it is not something I connect with often. Because I secretly hate ego, but I don’t understand why I hate it so much, as I feel this is a past life thing. Look Ego, is just someone crying out to be loved, crying out for attention. But people with ego, I back away from, but I send them love, and see their path as a difficult one.
- This negative presence was also pushing dark sexual thoughts on to me. But this has happened already for years and years. So I know, I don’t truly want to be this person anymore. This is a lower vibrational energy, I am over it. So I am like, thanks, but this is not me anymore, this is not who I choose to be. Sorry, no takers here with this one.
- This negative being / negative energy / negative force has also been pushing me to eat, like especially things I know are bad for me, like meat, coffee, sweets. It was very successful with this, as in every day.
- I have been sending this negative force “love”, saying “Thank you, you are making me stronger”, and I would not get any reply, where the last negative entity would say “thank you”. So it was making me feel a little lost, like was this really happening or not. As I am used to hearing voices in my head now.
- I was feeling lost, alone, and blocked from my psychic connections also. This is normally like a lesson, where my guides would not contact me for a few days. But I was getting a feeling like it was not a lesson, but “I was failing to follow my true path, and this is why my guides are gone”, "because you are not strong enough to eat correctly". So this was pushed onto me also, another negative thought!
Finally, one night, 27th August, I was worse than ever. I felt a great depression, a great negative bleak feeling, a great blight upon my soul. I really almost felt a suicidal feeling, which is not normal for me as I am stronger than this, and so I knew a very heavy dark negative force was with me, but it felt more like It was not external to me, it was like it was saying “I am you”. It was very sneaky in that way. And I do mean it, as it was a very, very heavy and dark negative force. So, I felt like I was this negative energy because I felt this great depression and a great disappointment, as it was very heavy upon my soul.
This entity was hiding its presence very well, but it was saying things in my own words, to hide it coming from externally to me. It is saying things like, “you hypocrite, teaching others when you are failing”, “you’re not helping people connecting to you, with messages from spirit”, “your messages are being manipulated”, “your book, and your messages are silly”, “you’re not helping others”, “you are failing”, etc., etc. Can you feel the looping negative thoughts I was getting? But it was happening slowly, not like a normal negative entity attack, and was done in a far more complex and sneaky fashion.
So I reached out to a psychic human friend, who would understand me. And would understand, if I said “look I know I am beings heavily attacked, but I am OK. I am not looking for help.” Only for them to say, “yes I know my friend, this also has been happening to me, at times”.
Then I could feel a screaming inside me again, which I have felt for over a week. Now another psychic friend told me this last week, “That this screaming inside, was my own inner strength wanting to me to not suppress it any longer.” But the vision I was getting about this, was this was a demon wraith type entity screaming, and not me. Note, negative entities normally try to discourage you from connecting to things, other people, or higher density beings that can help you.
But I have no fear, and I trusted my psychic friend to rely upon a little with what he sees, and he was channelling "Horus" well at the time. So, I connected to this inner energy and channelled it. So now I pushed against this great depression. I meditated, grounded, I cleared my space with light languages and I imagined a ball of light filling my space. Then I toned with my voice, clearing further, then I toned again and I brought love, peace, joy into my heart. It worked because then this great depression suddenly lifted, the dark energy smothering me, was gone.
Now, note this is very similar to how my fear lessons have happened. I great fear pushing at me, and I learnt to reach inside myself, and connect with my own inner strength, and I get ready, then eventually I would say “bring it on negative entity”, and then the negative energy pushing at me suddenly just dissipates, lifting away.
Maybe only an angel was powerful enough to do this to me. To pretend to be this negative force, and therefore would do this for me, "out of love". In a hope that this would force me to connect with, and use my own true inner strength.
So negativity pushed upon you, can bring you out of depression, and bring you out of a place of self-pity. Negativity used in the right way is the great teacher, and makes you a stronger soul.
I only hope this information helps others.
Note: Please click the "Next" link, to continue reading onto the next page.
So now, from the above message from Father Gaia (on the previous pages), I have been going over, and over this message, re-reading it for days. Struggling to connect with completing my lesson, and then end my bad diet.
Look, now I know for weeks, ever since my fast ended, I have been pushed hard by different negative energies. Currently, I have a new one, and this one is the strongest one, a demon that does not talk to me, it has been around over the past few weeks…
You say why, how can you Know? What has been going on, for you to say this? Well, see just the following points: -
- This negative being / negative energy / negative force was pushing ego onto me because I was told: “God, wants to bring messages through me”. So this negative presence was trying to tell me things like “you are better than other people”, “you are the only one to bring gods messages”, “you are better than your psychic friends”, “you are indeed reaching your own true power now”. But this information doesn’t resonate with me. This ego was making me feel overly serious, dull, and overly self-important. Which is not the vibration of the Prime Creator.
- Note, about the vibration of the Prime Creator has felt to me, more like it was filled with concern over me, like a mother over her children, where the children feel loved. Also, Prime Creator doesn’t want me to bow down to him because he wants me to stand tall, filled with my own inner strength, power and pride. I also feel the vibration of the prime creator is filled with love, joyful, and even funny at times. Prime creator often only hides this funny side, as he knows we are often having a hard and difficult time in this reality.
- Note about ego, is that it is not something I connect with often. Because I secretly hate ego, but I don’t understand why I hate it so much, as I feel this is a past life thing. Look Ego, is just someone crying out to be loved, crying out for attention. But people with ego, I back away from, but I send them love, and see their path as a difficult one.
- This negative presence was also pushing dark sexual thoughts on to me. But this has happened already for years and years. So I know, I don’t truly want to be this person anymore. This is a lower vibrational energy, I am over it. So I am like, thanks, but this is not me anymore, this is not who I choose to be. Sorry, no takers here with this one.
- This negative being / negative energy / negative force has also been pushing me to eat, like especially things I know are bad for me, like meat, coffee, sweets. It was very successful with this, as in every day.
- I have been sending this negative force “love”, saying “Thank you, you are making me stronger”, and I would not get any reply, where the last negative entity would say “thank you”. So it was making me feel a little lost, like was this really happening or not. As I am used to hearing voices in my head now.
- I was feeling lost, alone, and blocked from my psychic connections also. This is normally like a lesson, where my guides would not contact me for a few days. But I was getting a feeling like it was not a lesson, but “I was failing to follow my true path, and this is why my guides are gone”, "because you are not strong enough to eat correctly". So this was pushed onto me also, another negative thought!
Finally, one night, 27th August, I was worse than ever. I felt a great depression, a great negative bleak feeling, a great blight upon my soul. I really almost felt a suicidal feeling, which is not normal for me as I am stronger than this, and so I knew a very heavy dark negative force was with me, but it felt more like It was not external to me, it was like it was saying “I am you”. It was very sneaky in that way. And I do mean it, as it was a very, very heavy and dark negative force. So, I felt like I was this negative energy because I felt this great depression and a great disappointment, as it was very heavy upon my soul.
This entity was hiding its presence very well, but it was saying things in my own words, to hide it coming from externally to me. It is saying things like, “you hypocrite, teaching others when you are failing”, “you’re not helping people connecting to you, with messages from spirit”, “your messages are being manipulated”, “your book, and your messages are silly”, “you’re not helping others”, “you are failing”, etc., etc. Can you feel the looping negative thoughts I was getting? But it was happening slowly, not like a normal negative entity attack, and was done in a far more complex and sneaky fashion.
So I reached out to a psychic human friend, who would understand me. And would understand, if I said “look I know I am beings heavily attacked, but I am OK. I am not looking for help.” Only for them to say, “yes I know my friend, this also has been happening to me, at times”.
Then I could feel a screaming inside me again, which I have felt for over a week. Now another psychic friend told me this last week, “That this screaming inside, was my own inner strength wanting to me to not suppress it any longer.” But the vision I was getting about this, was this was a demon wraith type entity screaming, and not me. Note, negative entities normally try to discourage you from connecting to things, other people, or higher density beings that can help you.
But I have no fear, and I trusted my psychic friend to rely upon a little with what he sees, and he was channelling "Horus" well at the time. So, I connected to this inner energy and channelled it. So now I pushed against this great depression. I meditated, grounded, I cleared my space with light languages and I imagined a ball of light filling my space. Then I toned with my voice, clearing further, then I toned again and I brought love, peace, joy into my heart. It worked because then this great depression suddenly lifted, the dark energy smothering me, was gone.
Now, note this is very similar to how my fear lessons have happened. I great fear pushing at me, and I learnt to reach inside myself, and connect with my own inner strength, and I get ready, then eventually I would say “bring it on negative entity”, and then the negative energy pushing at me suddenly just dissipates, lifting away.
Maybe only an angel was powerful enough to do this to me. To pretend to be this negative force, and therefore would do this for me, "out of love". In a hope that this would force me to connect with, and use my own true inner strength.
So negativity pushed upon you, can bring you out of depression, and bring you out of a place of self-pity. Negativity used in the right way is the great teacher, and makes you a stronger soul.
I only hope this information helps others.
Look, now I know for weeks, ever since my fast ended, I have been pushed hard by different negative energies. Currently, I have a new one, and this one is the strongest one, a demon that does not talk to me, it has been around over the past few weeks…
You say why, how can you Know? What has been going on, for you to say this? Well, see just the following points: -
- This negative being / negative energy / negative force was pushing ego onto me because I was told: “God, wants to bring messages through me”. So this negative presence was trying to tell me things like “you are better than other people”, “you are the only one to bring gods messages”, “you are better than your psychic friends”, “you are indeed reaching your own true power now”. But this information doesn’t resonate with me. This ego was making me feel overly serious, dull, and overly self-important. Which is not the vibration of the Prime Creator.
- Note, about the vibration of the Prime Creator has felt to me, more like it was filled with concern over me, like a mother over her children, where the children feel loved. Also, Prime Creator doesn’t want me to bow down to him because he wants me to stand tall, filled with my own inner strength, power and pride. I also feel the vibration of the prime creator is filled with love, joyful, and even funny at times. Prime creator often only hides this funny side, as he knows we are often having a hard and difficult time in this reality.
- Note about ego, is that it is not something I connect with often. Because I secretly hate ego, but I don’t understand why I hate it so much, as I feel this is a past life thing. Look Ego, is just someone crying out to be loved, crying out for attention. But people with ego, I back away from, but I send them love, and see their path as a difficult one.
- This negative presence was also pushing dark sexual thoughts on to me. But this has happened already for years and years. So I know, I don’t truly want to be this person anymore. This is a lower vibrational energy, I am over it. So I am like, thanks, but this is not me anymore, this is not who I choose to be. Sorry, no takers here with this one.
- This negative being / negative energy / negative force has also been pushing me to eat, like especially things I know are bad for me, like meat, coffee, sweets. It was very successful with this, as in every day.
- I have been sending this negative force “love”, saying “Thank you, you are making me stronger”, and I would not get any reply, where the last negative entity would say “thank you”. So it was making me feel a little lost, like was this really happening or not. As I am used to hearing voices in my head now.
- I was feeling lost, alone, and blocked from my psychic connections also. This is normally like a lesson, where my guides would not contact me for a few days. But I was getting a feeling like it was not a lesson, but “I was failing to follow my true path, and this is why my guides are gone”, "because you are not strong enough to eat correctly". So this was pushed onto me also, another negative thought!
Finally, one night, 27th August, I was worse than ever. I felt a great depression, a great negative bleak feeling, a great blight upon my soul. I really almost felt a suicidal feeling, which is not normal for me as I am stronger than this, and so I knew a very heavy dark negative force was with me, but it felt more like It was not external to me, it was like it was saying “I am you”. It was very sneaky in that way. And I do mean it, as it was a very, very heavy and dark negative force. So, I felt like I was this negative energy because I felt this great depression and a great disappointment, as it was very heavy upon my soul.
This entity was hiding its presence very well, but it was saying things in my own words, to hide it coming from externally to me. It is saying things like, “you hypocrite, teaching others when you are failing”, “you’re not helping people connecting to you, with messages from spirit”, “your messages are being manipulated”, “your book, and your messages are silly”, “you’re not helping others”, “you are failing”, etc., etc. Can you feel the looping negative thoughts I was getting? But it was happening slowly, not like a normal negative entity attack, and was done in a far more complex and sneaky fashion.
So I reached out to a psychic human friend, who would understand me. And would understand, if I said “look I know I am beings heavily attacked, but I am OK. I am not looking for help.” Only for them to say, “yes I know my friend, this also has been happening to me, at times”.
Then I could feel a screaming inside me again, which I have felt for over a week. Now another psychic friend told me this last week, “That this screaming inside, was my own inner strength wanting to me to not suppress it any longer.” But the vision I was getting about this, was this was a demon wraith type entity screaming, and not me. Note, negative entities normally try to discourage you from connecting to things, other people, or higher density beings that can help you.
But I have no fear, and I trusted my psychic friend to rely upon a little with what he sees, and he was channelling "Horus" well at the time. So, I connected to this inner energy and channelled it. So now I pushed against this great depression. I meditated, grounded, I cleared my space with light languages and I imagined a ball of light filling my space. Then I toned with my voice, clearing further, then I toned again and I brought love, peace, joy into my heart. It worked because then this great depression suddenly lifted, the dark energy smothering me, was gone.
Now, note this is very similar to how my fear lessons have happened. I great fear pushing at me, and I learnt to reach inside myself, and connect with my own inner strength, and I get ready, then eventually I would say “bring it on negative entity”, and then the negative energy pushing at me suddenly just dissipates, lifting away.
Maybe only an angel was powerful enough to do this to me. To pretend to be this negative force, and therefore would do this for me, "out of love". In a hope that this would force me to connect with, and use my own true inner strength.
So negativity pushed upon you, can bring you out of depression, and bring you out of a place of self-pity. Negativity used in the right way is the great teacher, and makes you a stronger soul.
I only hope this information helps others.
Note: Please click the "Next" link, to continue reading onto the next page.
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