Lessons On Self-Love - Bk2 Ch6 - Lessons4


How to complete Life Lessons,     continued....

Father Gaia, continued: -
  • "Look these lessons can be very confronting and hard!

  • Please see 
  • these examples of how lessons feel hard: -

  • - Self-love lessons, you feel like you would rather die, then live alone, and not share your life with a partner.  

  • - Fear lessons, you would rather run, then face your fear.  

  • - Discernment lessons, where you would rather listen to a demon say you, ‘you can eat anything you want, just believe it’s good for you then it will be’, or listen to your true guide saying ‘don’t eat that’.

  • - Drug addict lessons, where you feel you would rather die than live without your drugs.

  • Many lessons make you feel suicidal.  And if you end your life, you will try and come back over and over, and repeat the same life lesson over and over, until you finally deal with your issues. 

  • So I say again, that yes, these life lessons you all do, are hard!  So just relax and find some positivity, maybe just from one good day.  
    'Find the small things in life that bring you joy'.  Maybe it is just sitting near the ocean, or in a rain forest.  If you have time to do these things, then be joyful, because you should realise your being supported in life.  I am not saying if you feel like you have no time, then you're not supported.  But having time to think, shows your guides and angels are trying to give you what you need. 

  • I truly hope all readers, that you all will consider this message personally.  As in, think upon these words, and re-examine what you’re doing and why.  Think about the person you want to become.  Yes, maybe this is not a psychic person.  Just 
    'follow your high vibrational interests'.  Interests that seem healthy, that seem good for you, like sailing, or bush walking.

  • For example, maybe you want to be a mum, and want to have kids, but made you also love to paint.  So I ask to truly follow your interests, maybe use a computer to draw with a touch screen.  Maybe your drawings may bring you peace, you maybe inspire your children to follow in your footsteps, or inspire their own interests.  Remember that fame, and money, are lower vibrational wants.  Do these paintings for yourself first, then others will find they may want to buy them, also.  So then this can support your artistic life.  But many artists only painted for their own enjoyment and were never rich, or their artwork was never truly famous until after their deaths.  So don’t wait for fame and fortune.  Don’t work to impress others.  Impress yourself, and be happy.

    So why should this person do art?  Because it brings her Joy, raises her vibrations, and she is giving her own life a purpose.  A purpose other than the lessons and drama, which constantly happens around her.  You can change this life purpose (maybe just call it a hobby), as you decide this for yourself, change it many times, as you only need to follow your own joy and excitement.  If you are doing hard lessons, then maybe your new hobby should be relaxation, and long hot candle lit bubble baths.

  • I hope this information helps to bring peace to people, for those people struggling with their life lessons.  I want people to make peace with their lives, and not struggle against their own soul path.  And try not to struggle with self-discipline.  '
    Bring thoughts, that bring you peace in your heart'.

  • I know I am repeating myself, but if people can connect with this, then completing your lessons, as in doing the final step.  Because I see, that many are stuck at this point.  And 
    'to get unstuck, you must connect internally, and go within to find your own strength, as no one else can help you do this'.  Your guides lead you to this point, they give you these thoughts that help you, but 'finding the will to continue on, the strength to truly pass your lessons, is your job'.  You are the one that needs to pass this lesson.  

  • Like Yeshua (Jesus from the bible), with his lesson to still love his attackers.  How hard a lesson was that.  To love an attacker, your prison guard, that whips you.  Could you love and forgive a man while he sticks a spear in your ribs to kill you?  And Yeshua was not the only one to do this lesson, but his lesson was made famous.   This was more of a major life test, then a Life Lesson, but it's still on your soul charter to do list.  I was just trying to make this less confusing by sticking to the same words, with my use of 'life lessons'.  But your life lessons may involve connecting to unbelievable psychic abilities, in your soul charter 'to do list'.  However, you still must pass your life lessons to achieve this.   

  • Yeshua says ‘if I can pass this, then you can pass your lessons because I was only a man.  A human, with a soul, which is the same as you.  But I had to pass many lessons before I was ready to face this challenge, like fasting in the desert.  This all lead me, to my great test with my crucifixion.’

  • So I hope you understand the importance of this message.  And understand you would not be brought before your 'life lesson', if you were not ready to face your challenge.

  • Mother Gaia says, ‘May your true soul path be lit with golden warm light if you are cold, and a cool breeze if you are hot.  Bring what comforts you, into your own life.  You all deserve a rest, to recuperate and regain your strength, your will.  Then when you are ready, take up the challenge again.  Continue on with life, refreshed, reconnected with your own inner strength!’

  • So much love, from Yeshua, and Mother Gaia, and I, Father Gaia.  Blessing to all humans.”

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