"Sy" (Tall Blonde Nordic) ‘why come to Earth’
A message from “Sy” A tall Blonde Nordic from the Council of Nine, Pleiadians, channelled by Ivan Teller, see this video link, .
Nordic on Pleiadian Council called “Sy”: -
Nordic on Pleiadian Council called “Sy”: -
- “Understand that in entering such a low vibration, at your 3rd density, you can still be in contact with your alien friends, but you chose not to. Quiet risky, but needed for the unique lessons here.”
“Also realise that in coming here, you are becoming another you. Because in coming into this world you change. And many wish to come here, to change. As in to change from your old ways, and hopefully into something better. So many come here to become something better.”
“To flush out the old, and become a new being.”
“Many are not very successful with this, and feel like they are going backwards. Which is not always the case. So they continue to reincarnate until they find themselves, or they achieve what they are looking for, as in a spiritual renewal. A soul renewal.”
“And those that surround themselves with negativity, are not ready to renew themselves yet. They wish to swim within negativity, which is fine. And yes you are all experiencing a great amount of that. But you will eventually find yourself cleaned, as the renewal process fulfills itself within you.”
“Realise that your galactic universe is filled with more of your alien animal beings, then humanoid. So you are the ones that are the strange ones. Because your animals have been in your universe for a long time, and humans are still the new ones on the block, so to speak.”
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