Conspiracy Theories Continued....
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Please note if you like the News, your newspapers, then by all means keep watching and reading them. But what the spiritual beings, and aliens, do suggest is “please do not give into the fear mongering and negativity”, keep a healthy detachment. And it is also good for you to have periods of time away from the News, and this type of entertainment. But of course you have free will, and your free will is important. But you are protected, so you can just turn off the news, and don’t have to watch it, you will be safe.
Did you know the two party political system was developed back in the roman times, like the labour and liberals we have here in Australia, and the similar two party system in the USA. This is the system where they own both parties, and they generate negativity about both parties on the news, just as another negative form of entertainment. Did you know they are scared of us waking up, waking up to what is going on. And this is why they spy on us. You will start to notice a lot of negative news being generated about political parties that the shadow government don’t own. Such as here in Australia we have Pauline Hanson, the Australian Health Party, just have a look at all the negative media being generated about them, then you will start to see the true picture of our politics system, and media.
Also religion is designed to be negative, this is why the government supports it. To religion we are all sinners, they want you to buy the God they are selling you. Religion has been set up as a business, and they are against you developing your psychic gifts. Why would you buy the God they are selling you, if you could talk to God directly?
Did you know that God actually wants you to talk to him. But he understands the importance of this planet. The beauty of it.
But why can’t you talk to God? Because your psychic gifts have been shut down. The shadow government, and banks, are very involved with this. They pollute your water with fluoride, and put toxins in processed food. Most vaccinations have mercury that helps to poison your pineal gland. It is all designed to lower your vibration, and calcify your pineal gland (your third eye). They introduce these new drugs we have, such as ‘ice’, and make your work places supply you with polluted coffee and tea, with polluted water, that help shut down your psychic powers. Alcohol and smoking was also introduced for the same reasons, to lower your vibration. Also all the negativity generated by the media also helps to lower your vibration. Can you see just how much money and resources are used to keep us in prison. That all these resources could one day be used in health care, and everyone could get unemployment benefits, that all government type jobs could be done by us as a volunteer system. That money could be taken out of the Legal system, and be replaced by something that is fair and just.
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