Lessons On Self-Love - ch1 - Density2

Spiritual Density,     Continued....

Image from http://www.pearltrees.com/ib_dubie/fourth-density-consciousness/id9992767

The basics on densities, is that the first three densities overlap, to create a functional 3rd Density Universe reality for humans.  Noting the other higher densities are hidden from 3rd Density.  

  • 1st Density (1D): is rock and mineral
  • 2nd Density (2D):  is plant and animal
  • 3rd Density (3D): is human, dolphin, other intelligent life forms.
  • 4th Density (4D): are aliens from our perspective.
  • 5-12th Density: Other Densities also have bodies, or quasi bodies. 

Let us use 3D, instead of 3rd Density, 4D for 4th Density, etc, etc, for the other densities.

Each Density is basically is there, because it contains different lessons.  So in 3D, we learn to override our own instincts of survival, and overcome our lessons on lust, gluttony, greed, envy, jealousy, revenge, fear, ego, sloth, etc, etc, as in the seven deadly sins, plus more, I guess.  Then we learn love, forgiveness, and the ability to work in harmony within a group.  We must also learn if we are STO, or STS, see this definition later in the chapter.  Then you learn your psychic gifts, third eye, chakras, etc, when your heading into 4D.

So a density is physical experience used by spirits, to connect to and use a body.  At higher densities, our 3D definition of a life form would not fit.  Such as life forms that exists within/on the sun.  Note in higher densities you can easily change your entire body just by your thoughts, even 4D you will be able to do this, to some extent.  Note in 3D you can master your higher density abilities, as it is just harder to do it in the lower densities.  Also many will master there 4D abilities, in 3D before we reach 4D.

Now, all the spiritual documentation agree, on one fact, and that is we are in 3rd Density, and now we are in the time of ascension (the time of enlightenment), which is the movement from 3rd Density, to 4th Density, since before 2012 (and some say we started moving from 3D to 4D, back in 1900s).  

The density levels (1D,2D,3D,4D, etc) are not done to show intelligence, this is set out this way to show the level awareness that one density has over the other densities.  So we are only aware of higher densities because they are written down, but you can’t detect these higher densities with your senses, until you already moving into that density.   

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