Lessons On Self-Love - ch1 - Fear Lesson2

Fear lessons,     Continued....

Secondly, plan for when you are attacked next, and this plan should be something like this...

  • Relax, and think.  Attacks are done slowly, to drum up as much fear as possible, they want you to feel beaten and conquered.
  • Realise if you are being attacked, even if you're not attacked, then just treat it like one for a while, because attacks are always done a differently.  Always a different, or new tangent, or a new angle of attack.
  • You feeling fear, but always realise you're OK.
  • Now ask for angel wings wrapped around you for protection, either out loud or in your head
  • Then call out the negative entities and say, "I have angel wings wrapped around me, I will face my fear, please do your worst".
  • Then normally, the attack stops quickly!

These lessons fear lessons, are normally after the initial discernment lessons in your head when you realise negative entities are real.

Also, this is when you will normally start looking to protect your house from negative energy, please google some methods, here are some I used: -
  • Burning sage smudging sticks (note you can pull them apart, and only burn a little at a time), only get this if you like incense or fire and smoke.
  • Put black tourmaline in all four corners of the house on a window stills, so they automatically recharge from the sunlight, and moon light, and discharge negative energy.  Imaging the crystals are connected to form a shield.  Only use this method if you like rocks and crystals.
  • Salt Crystals, are also great.  Please get a salt crystal Lamp if you like the look of them.
  • Channeling Eric, on one video says, imaging your vacuuming up negative entities with a vacuum and then empty the bag, in the bin out side, and it will work.  I love this idea because you can put your intention on any way of clearing negative energy. 
  • So you can google or use just about anything you can imagine, and it will work to some degree.  But physical things work better then non-physical.  Like toning to clear your space, will work better than just intentions. 

Note these protections only works when you put the belief and intention into it, which is "that this will protect me from negative entities".  Noting these protections will not protect you from telepathy, like negative thoughts.

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