Lessons On Self-Love - ch1 - Astral3

Astral Planes

The Astral Planes

  • Upper Astral or Soul level, is heaven, and where you can manifest whatever you want.  However manifesting something as dense as it is on Earth, is really hard to do.  You start in this layer as a young soul, but can end up in lower astral later on.  This is where your true self is, your higher self is another true self, which is over watching your incarnation.

    You have a Light body, which is more energy, so your physical body is more a shape that changes depending on circumstances.

    Everyone's idea of heaven exists, such as the Indian Happy Hunting Grounds, to Christian version, and every other religion, and everyone's individual beliefs are all catered for.  So if you believe there is no after life, I think you will be left in darkness until you decide your dead and still exist.

    Note you must know your dead in order to move into Upper or Lower Astral.
  • Lower Astral are more where STS entities, and negative entities exist in spirit.  So lower Astral is for lower vibrational beings.  So I feel in the lower astral zones exist where, you can only go slightly higher if you’re a higher enough vibration.  Because there are at least 4 layers to lower astral.  Maybe Astral is mostly open for higher vibrational beings, except for lower Astral, where some lower vibrational beings are stuck in lower astral.  Your Spiritual Self is in the Astral Plane.

    Then lower astral levels, would be hell, to most of us.  Where the upper layers have like shopping malls, the lowest layers are more like hell, with even placed where people eat themselves.
  • Purgatory is the lowest level in lower Astral, I believe you are isolated and in rehabilitation in Purgatory, wear release of negative desires, release of sins and purification occur.
  • Limbo is a temporary phase after death (when you die you first go to middle astral, then I believe Limbo), before continuing to lower or upper astral.  Lower and Upper Astral is where you go when you pass over, in-between incarnations.

  • Universal Astral plane, is the one around earth where souls that do not cross over enter, and where you enter when you travel in your outer body experiences, with the silver cord, you hear about in stories.

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