Psychic Communication from SamUwell, continued...
Example continues: -
- Well 'Mis-chelle' stopped talking, because she high tailed it out of there, ran like crazy I guess, because she disappeared. Normally, I am energetically connected to beings for a while after a connection, in this case she cut and ran.
Because then, with-in a few seconds, Archangel Micheal was around, the real one, because I called him in.
Helpful note that no other being uses this name well his full title. Archangel Micheal will tell you to use 'Micheal', but while calling him in, always use "Archangel Micheal", it saves confusion. You don't want confusion, especially if you're in trouble and need help.
Archangel Micheal: "The female reptilian was scared off because I was called in, and yes she was trying to convince you that she was me at first. Do not worry about what she said, they are trying to steer you off track, continue on, you are on the right path, otherwise they would not try this. So congratulations on detecting her deception. So continue to get use to different vibrations so you know who you are connecting too"
So the weird thing about the above information, I wrote this from SamUwell's perspective, which was talking about me (Peter), and it was me writing about me as a third person. If you channel, you understand that, because your talking from different perspectives from the same person. It's confusing, but not confusing if you just understand that your talking from the same mouth (or writing) but it's not from your perspective.
Changing subject, and more importantly, back to connecting with love. So here is a good example of working though love to make stronger psychic connections from a gifted young psychic, "Abby Normal".
Changing subject, and more importantly, back to connecting with love. So here is a good example of working though love to make stronger psychic connections from a gifted young psychic, "Abby Normal".
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